
Poem: Achieving excellence what is the relevance?


Achieving excellence what is the relevance?

Obesity is now our new travesty.

Those with no rhythm try to steal our time.

As a token they collect spirits they have broken.

Are we slave to our wage, let’s turn that page.


My mind’s propulsion is fueled by a writing compulsion.

My mission is to seek a newly created vision.

Reality shifting and changing, so let’s begin rearranging.

Is there danger if you smile at a stranger?

Has my voice been taken, or has it just been shaken?


Is the pen mightier than the sword or do I have to pray to our LORD?

I cannot sing it, but I can try to wing it.

All is not forsaken; we just need to be awakened.

The tides cannot be held, but they sure can be felt.

Seek sustenance with more relevance.

Canadian, Montreal, Photos, Poems

Edible Canada Lily

Lilium canadense, commonly called either the Canada Lily, Wild Yellow-Lily, or the Meadow Lily.

Lilium in the early rain

bowing and kissing the ground

sun lifted spirit

written by poet John Beam

the Canada Lily


Canada Lily

  • flowers are edible raw.
  • seeds are edible raw.
  • bulbs are edible raw.
  • bulbs are best when boiled in several changes of water.
  • cooked bulbs have a bitter/peppery taste.
  • cooked bulbs can be dried whole or mashed and then dried for storage.
  • grows in wet, moist forests, marshes and swamps.

Wild Edible Plants of Quebec

Community, Inspirational, Poems, Uncategorized, Visual Content

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Canadian, Community, Poems, Uncategorized

“Anxiety is the architect”



Poetry Submission 1st place Tessa Mouzourakis

Anxiety is the architect

that builds nothing into something.

It lays a foundation of worry

and paints the walls with fear.

It traps you in it’s house

and fills it with questions.

It taunts you with a key

and knows you’re too scared

to answer.


But you can be the architect,

that builds nothing into something.

You can operate the crane

that pulls panic from it’s hinges.

You can tear down this house

and build one of your own.

All you’ll need is a plan,

a hard hat and hammer,

courage to face it,

and you’ll finally get answers.

Spent? Capitalism’s growing problem with anxiety

By JD Taylor On March 14, 2014


Will I SEE YOU ?



Will I SEE YOU ?

Today time had no relevance, only showed me its benevolence.
I was staring at death and was it taking its last breath?
Are my poems only a sign of my unrelenting omens?
Whether it was day or night, no one could sense my plight.

Locked in a moment, trapped for all eternity, staring at only an uncertainty.
My mind and heart battled and they both felt so moved apart.
One facing the reality, while the other facing the gravity.
Now when I hear come to the ICU, my heart only hears will I see you?

Looking at my mother’s baseline, my heart only wondering OMG how much time!
Time stopped, raced and played its tricks and it ended with one huge embrace.
Now when I think of time, it has become somewhat more sublime.
Time is a reminder of our displacement and whispering there can be no replacement.