Books, Canadian, Social Entrepreneurs, Women

Eat Well on $4/Day


I read in the Winnipeg Free Press…

Good and Cheap is a cookbook for people with very tight budgets, particularly those on SNAP/Food Stamp benefits.

Good and Cheap: How to Eat Well on $4 a Day

This cookbook is available for a free download at The PDF is free and has been downloaded more than 800,000 times.


A food-studies scholar and avid home cook in NYC by way of Canada.
3D, Printing, Retail and Fashion, Women

3D Printed Fashion

Student Danit Peleg, 27, from Israel, knew nothing about technology buthas produced her entire fashion collection using a 3D printer which took .

Is this the future of fashion? Designer creates sci-fi clothing collection by 3D printing dresses, coats and SHOES in her own home (but it takes 2,000 hours)

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3D, Innovative Products, Printing, Social Entrepreneurs, Women

3D-Printed Food

Edible Growth: 3D-Printed Living Food That Grows before You Eat It

Chloé Rutzerveld is a Dutch food designer who combines aspects of science, technology and nature to think up new ways to make our food more efficient, healthy and sustainable. She communicates her ideas though speculative design probes and experimental dinners in which she uses food as a medium to communicate and discuss these thoughts and socio-cultural food related issues with the public. Her passion for food and fascination for nature and the human body are the thriving forces behind everything she does.

After graduating with Cum Laude for the Industrial Design bachelor in 2014, at the Eindhoven University of Technology, she started working as food designer. To gain more technical and practical experience in gastronomy and sensory experience she currently participates in advanced culinary programs and collaborates with scientists and chefs.

Edible Growth, one of the latests works about the creation of healthy and sustainable 3D-printed living food, is exhibited and featured all over the world, nominated for several awards and the main topic of the 2015 TEDx talk.



Aerospace, Employment, Montreal, Women

Rolls-Royce A Place For Women Engineers

Martine Gagne Talks About Women In Engineering

Carrie Lambert Shares Her Career Story

Rolls-Royce YouTube Channel

Student & Graduates Internship Programs @ Rolls-Royce

Community, Women, YouTube Videos

The Spiritual Catalyst: Teal Swan

Teal Swan: The Spiritual Catalyst Google+ Posts

One Free Guided Meditation Download

Teal Swan – Buddha at the Gas Pump Interview

Teal Swan, known to many as ‘The Spiritual Catalyst’ or the ‘Giggling Guide’ was born in Santa Fe, New Mexico on June 16th 1984

Book: The Sculptor in the Sky


YouTube Channel: TheSpiritualCatalyst

Interview conducted 10/11/2014

Discussion about this interview is in the forum.

Video and audio below. Audio also available as a Podcast.

Canadian, Education, Women, YouTube Videos

60 Year Old Canadian Dance Teacher Performs With Students

Canadian high school dance teacher Shirley Clements, performs with her students at hip-hop competition! Age is nothing but a number. Watch as this 60 year old kills this hip-hop routine!!

Retiring B.C. teacher wows Internet with her hip-hop dance moves

Community, Content Strategy, Digital Marketing, Education, Online Courses, Women

How to Boost Your Business with Animoto Videos

With CreativeLive

entice clients and boost with video.

Animoto lets you turn your photos, video clips, and music into slick, professional videos. Learn how to easily make your own, branded videos in How to Boost Your Business with Animoto Videos with Ana Brandt, Susan Roderick, and Sue Bryce.

During this fast-paced event Ana, Susan and Sue will show you how to useAnimoto to create videos and use them to market and grow your business. By the end of each of their segments, you’ll learn how to:

  • The basics of quickly creating video with Animoto
  • Use video as a marketing tool
  • Include Animoto videos as a sales add-on
  • Incorporate Animoto into your workflow

Ana will explain how she kickstarted a video marketing program for her newborn photography business 7 years ago and she’ll detail the huge impact it has made on the growth of her business.

Susan will show you the ins and out of creating video with Animoto and that creating video to incorporate into your marketing doesn’t need to be a time consuming commitment.

Sue will finish things off to drive home the importance of creating a marketing video and the power it has for your business.

If you want to learn how to take your photography business to the next level, join Ana Brandt, Susan Roderick and Sue Bryce for How to Boost Your Business with Animoto Videos.